

Nerchinskij Zavod (619m)

Number of days available for climatic review

ΠαράμετροςΙανΦεβ ΜαρΑπρΙουνΙουλ
Διάρκεια Ηλιοφάνειας605559718988
Υγρασία/Ορατότητα 615661749187

Διάρκεια Ηλιοφάνειας858986848491
Υγρασία/Ορατότητα 899088868791

Climate data is usually derived from meteorological data of a certain number of years. The actual number of recorded years may vary from only a couple to 50 years or more. The quality of climate data depends on the number of available recorded years. Fewer years means less reliable data. The standart-period for reliable climate data is 30 years. For example, the mean monthly temperature for, let's say January, would ideally calculated from a total number of 930 recorded January-days. However, the usual number of recorded days is much smaller. The table above shows the actual number of recorded days for every parameter measured.
Nearby Weather Stations - Nerchinsky Zavod Απόσταση
Nerchinskij Zavod 0.0 km
Priargunsk 79.0 km
Urjupino 91.9 km
Hailar 116.7 km
Mogocha 134.7 km
Sretensk 218.9 km
Khalkh-Gol 229.2 km
Arxan 232.4 km
Tulihe 237.1 km
Bugt 294.3 km
Erofej Pavlovic 298.8 km
Mohe 336.4 km
New Barag Right Banner 341.4 km
Borzya 348.4 km
Shilka 399.9 km
Solowjowsk 436.6 km
Tungokocen 459.7 km
Xiao'ergou 472.8 km
Matad 492.2 km
Dzalinda 493.1 km
Usugli 500.0 km
Qiqihar 531.1 km